Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dark side in us

Human - a living creature characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion. Gracefully described as this, but in reality, the sun does not shine on all sides of a human being. There is this part which the sun fails to light. A facet which is characterized by pain, anger, madness, revenge, or sometimes, murderous intent. All of which are benign, but capable of being triggered.

People get mad, especially when they feel violated, or somebody else has taken something significant from them without their permission. Sometimes, people just get mad when situations are not rolling to their sides. It is a normal human reaction to these circumstances, recoiling the force that was exerted to them.

But some people just can't be mad at all, though they have experienced humiliation and violation, or some kind of abuse, may it be verbal, physical or emotional. Instead, they just choose to be still and let go of that ordeal. For some reason, they just have this extra string of patience to understand the felon. As if there is no room for revenge within their hearts. They choose not to stoop down at that level, maintaining their dignity as a pacifistic person. For some, they claim love as the main reason. Their love for others, especially on the ones close to them incarcerates them from being furious. Because they do care. As simple as that. They just do treasure their memories, to a point that retaliation is considered unnecessary. Regardless of the amount of love that they receive in return.

It is abnormal for a human not to react at all. But they opt not to. It's a grace from God that they manage to lit their dark sides within, so as to let love reign in them. Let God handle things, His own way. Well, I still hope and pray that God would just let things such as these pass, may God hear my prayer. AMDG.

'Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near, And the impending things are hastening upon them.' -Deut 32:35

1 comment:

Maria Isabella Anne said...

i admire your maturity. and you being the gentleman that you are.

silence is a good option. but when you are already on the losing end, we your friends will do the talking. hahaha.

hugs win!