Wednesday, October 28, 2009

love and related matters

Talking about matters.. well, this one is about love. As I saw it, I found it really vague. At times it is strong, too strong that not anyone can break it. But there are also times when it is too weak that you cannot fight for it. That's the two faces of it. It is really hard to comprehend both sides at the same time. You need to go through it one at a time, to know and compare the traits of each. Often times, one side can dominate the other. It depends on the two person involved in the relationship, however. Strengthening the love that binds a relationship or weakening it, depends on how much effort does each one give.

1. Acceptance.
Each person in this bond is required to understand and accept the weaknesses of his or her partner. Admitting that the partner is weak in some aspects, may it be in terms of physical features, or talent, or may be when it comes to intelligence. Accepting it as it is, and not covering or concealing it with luscious affirmation. Acceptance does not only goes one way, you should also accept yourself as you are. Admit it, you too are human, an imperfect creation of God. That's a reality, nothing that God has created is perfect. Appreciate your own weaknesses, and learn how to strive through it. At the end, you will learn to love yourself more, despite of the insecurities that you once had. By loving yourself more, you can love your partner even more.

2. Affirmation.
This is a key to overcome weaknesses. By affirming the things that you and your partner give, you will learn to appreciate each other more. Even if one of you failed to yield, affirming him or her will give guts for each one of you to exert more to make your relationship happier. Affirmation in action is needed. Not just through words, words are not enough. For words are like faith; without action, it is also dead. Of course words can give you comfort and sense of support, but it cannot save you from bigger troubles. But in reality, words are just mere concepts and theories pending to be applied. We can always be fooled by glamorous words, especially when we are in desperate situations, that we need instant support, since words are always faster than acting it. Quite easily said than done.

3. Quality time.
Definition of quality time depends on the perception of an individual. For me, sitting beside the one you love, even without any words, is a quality time. For some, quality time is going to the park, sharing experiences with one another, going out on a date, having some coffee together, eating lunch together, walking around together. That may also be defined as quality time. There are other perceptions of this concept. But all boils down on one thing: spending a moment with your beloved is really healthy. It boosts support, presence, appreciation and of course, love.

4. Basic communication.
How often do you talk? When was the last time you heard the voice of your partner? When did you last quarrel? These moments matter in a relationship. For in these events, your hearts converse with one another. Your hearts speak with each other, a two way communication that enhances your bond. When one speaks, you can see through the way your partner says every single word the feelings he or she has behind it. Behind the spoken words, real emotions are exposed through the intonation of each word. And without this, you will just end up trying to interpolate the current mood of your partner. You can understand your partner more and more with each conversation that you have with each other.

5. Understanding.
Understanding your partner, how he or she thinks or reacts is important. By allowing yourself to see even the smallest detail, it can yield to loving your partner at a deeper level. Not just on the level of words, but on the level of hearing and listening. As you enhance this, soon you can arrive at a point where words, may it be written or spoken, are not necessary to understand one another. This is at a level where hearts commune with each other.

6. Contenment
Fidelity is a common issue in a relationship. One becomes unfaithful when you start to look for something that you cannot find in your partner. But this missing thing or trait is just a small percentage of what your partner currently possess. If you just learn how to appreciate the greater factor, you will not be looking for that missing part. Always thank the Creator for making your partner that way. Of course there will always be someone who looks better than your partner, or better than you, that's a fact. But if you are happy with what God has given you, you will always find joy in it. You'll be surprised that this missing percentage will be negligble, contented on the gift that God has given you through your partner. Thank God for making us imperfect, for in our imperfections, God can express His love.

Love while you can, it's a gift that God has bestowed upon us. AMDG!


Maria Isabella Anne said...

im reminded about my reaction to this text message sent to me last night about "love". the theme was like love is in the smile, the affirmation, the words etc.

then i replied you have to add this:

it's the feeling of being incomplete every time you let go of his hand, the security you feel every time he whispers your name in your ear and feel the air of his breath touch your skin.

yes, it can be said.
but most importantly, it can be felt. it can be done.

haha. (i just edited my incorrectly spelled words.)

Luke said...

i agree :D