Sunday, October 25, 2009

On Rejuvenation

"God is not indifferent..God cares for you"

Life is good, when you're in your comfort zone. But when God strips these things that make you feel secured, life becomes staggered. Things start to fall apart. Your wall starts to break. Fear and sadness start to boil inside your heart. Despite these scenario, God is not indifferent. He knew that you have your own limit. And He will not test you beyond it. Surely He will strip away from you things that make you feel strong, to expose the real you. Painful, yes it is.

But God cares for you. As He prunes you, He prepares something bigger for you. He will rejuvenate you with more grace and life blessings, much better from what were stripped away. I found these rejuvenating blessings after God has trimmed me. Pain was replaced with joy overflowing in my heart, with love tunneling through the friends that God gave me. More, I appreciated this grace from God, His love I feel through them.


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