Thursday, December 31, 2009

Knight's tale - Clean Slate

To my surprise, Paulo Coelho's Warrior of the Light suddenly phased into a mirror, reflecting the ways of the knight in rusty armor.

Every page is a like a droplet of blood that instantly drawn me back to the events that happened to me for the past years. My eyes noticed that the warrior's armour is the same as the one I have been carrying. Its shield, the kite type that I always bring. And the sword, a double-edged one, crystal type perhaps.

I shrugged the rust with my hand, trying to expose the surface that once shone. I removed the decaying metal parts, carefully so as not to injure my fingers.

Thirty minutes. An hour. A day. I forgot how long since I started scrubbing it. But now, time doesn't matter at all. Immediately, I sprang to my feet. I took a deep breath and braced myself for another journey.

I gave a glimpse on the insanely twisted past. I inhaled every memory, as if it is air filling my lungs. Joy became part of my system. Pain became my stronghold and my footstool, success became my aim, defeat -my reliever, and love, my unpredictable ultima..but neither I can really comprehend.

But as I walk, I noticed the extra baggage danggling on my waist. Still, there are things that should be left behind. Emotions made me quite unstable, or should I say, insane, every time that I forget to leash it. Thus, I resolve to strapping it with my intellect. You can win a battle if you have a balance of intellect and emotions. Never let one dominate the other. I left the unnecessary things to the One who created me.

Finally, I am ready to walk along an uncharted terrain. Light, clean slate, every little thing is starting to bloom from something new. No twists, no curves, no bends, just an open space.

I laid down the mirror, and immediately, it phased back to Coelho's book. Smile formed on my rigid lips as I recalled that person who inspired me to return to the orbit that was made for me, my little angel. For a while, I laid myself down waiting for the world to stop. Thanks for that gentle push, I can see better now. Hope to see you on the next chapter, little one.



Little Anne said...

T_T i'm speechless but completely touched.. :') Thank you... :) I'm just giving back what you have always shared... aww. T^T i feel like crying.. this inspired me.. :')

Little Anne said...

by the way, you are the person who taught me to embrace life's uncertainties.. that there's nothing to fear when things go out of hand.. :) Thank you for reminding me this sole truth; that I should not be worried when I don't have the control over things.. because He will take care of everything.. He disrupts our plans to fulfill His. :)

Luke said...

yep, the world is uncertain... it's normal to feel afraid in a way, or lose faith... but we should continue to walk to that unknown path. soon you'll come to realize that your faith will be back. :)