Sunday, February 14, 2010

Untitled Yet...

Once upon a time there was a prince who lived in a far away kingdom. Yes, this is always the setting in almost all common fairytales, a prince or a princess living in a kingdom far away from the society, in some mountainous areas perhaps. And like the other fairytales involving princes and princesses, the story has this battle of good and evil, light and shadows, love and bruises. Don’t worry, I changed my mind.. definitely, this would not be a fairytale, I just cannot pick a good introduction about this story that's why i used these lines to start this note. To give you an brief intro, this story happened several eons ago, February 14, 2010 (I think we cannot call this “eons ago”, but since I am the one writing, I have the license). Its title: "____________". (Please feel free to give a title for this. it's very much appreciated! Thank you!!!)


Staring at the blue skies, I kept on digging myself. I tried to calm my mind and focused on my staring. Birds were flying in groups, as if every movement is coordinated with one another. From my bed, I can clearly see how the clouds were drifted by the swiftly blowing wind, reforming itself into various shapes. Some were remodeled into a shape of a puppy, and some into a shape of an angel, or it was just my wild imagination, I suppose. I remember, one time, I attended a workshop-seminar. They told us that those who can imagine things greatly are those with green minds. Well, I guess I am one of them, those who have great imaginations, that’s the one I’m pertaining to, not those with green minds, of course, though I admit it too, I was once one of them.

Still staring at the clouds, the open skies, the birds in harmonic flight, I felt myself being pulled into a deep abyss, a place within me where emotions suddenly does not exist. My strength was ruptured as I sink within this dark portal in my being, for several minutes, everything became blank. I felt the air getting thinner and thinner as I sink deeper that I tried to choke, to gasp for air. It was a battle, a warfare that I always avoid. I denied its existence, or should I say, I shrug it off as soon as I perceive it coming. I felt fear slowly ravaging me. At that instance, my eyes became dysfunctional, and sooner, I felt my other senses failing too. I yielded to that moment as I did not have the will power to fight against it. But before I become totally numb, I suddenly felt a warm touch on my face. I heard a voice calling my name, saying that I should face this fight. I tried to open my eyes though I knew that these eyes of mine had already failed functioning. To my surprise, I saw a very bright light. It is then that I realize that it was my angel.

It was a miracle that my senses came back. I felt rejuvenated at that point. I tried to get myself up to avoid being swallowed. I did manage to recover, and at last, I reached the surface again. I looked back to see if my angel was there. With my own eyes, I saw her vanished, leaving a smile. Everything went on a flash. I was back again.

Clouds, open skies, birds in flight, I can see them again with my eyes, but this time, it was quite different. I smiled.

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