Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wind Chronicles

Recovering from the previous battle with other warlords, I found myself lying on my bed. Gently, I opened my eyes to see a glimpse of my surrounding. Nobody was there. I tried to feel my body. I barely can move my limbs, hardly can i feel my legs. Pain is all over my body, brought by the fresh wounds and old scars reopened from the last encounter. As if the throbbing yells at me to give up.

Still unable to move freely, I just closed my eyes. And momentarily, the scenes started to flash at the back of my head. Excerpts from the warfare about five eons ago started to roll, memories with the other guardian knights, and my inauguration as part of the knights of the round table was projected as if I am watching a full length movie. How nostalgic..

I have been ramming in numerous battles, countless times I got home victorious. But defeat is inevitable. I admit it. I once lost the battle with the sorceress of the highlands. I even lost in my duel with one of the knights of the round. Apparently, I managed to get home, still breathing, perhaps. Nostalgic..

Again I opened my eyes. Still, nobody was there. Only the wind. I smiled as it greeted me. Alone, I am not, I then realized. I stretched my hand to reach for my sword beside my bed. Ripping the freshly recovering wounds upon extending my arms, but I was able to withstand such pain. Almost there, I exerted even more effort to reach my goal. Finally, I was wielding the blade in my hand. I have decided. I will fight. I picked up my rusty armor and glided with the wind.

It blew me to my destination: an uncharted terrain..a path yet to be discovered. I secured my hand with the wind.

1 comment:

Maria Isabella Anne said...

undiscovered paths are to be conquered. God bless win!