Thursday, December 31, 2009
Knight's tale - Clean Slate
Every page is a like a droplet of blood that instantly drawn me back to the events that happened to me for the past years. My eyes noticed that the warrior's armour is the same as the one I have been carrying. Its shield, the kite type that I always bring. And the sword, a double-edged one, crystal type perhaps.
I shrugged the rust with my hand, trying to expose the surface that once shone. I removed the decaying metal parts, carefully so as not to injure my fingers.
Thirty minutes. An hour. A day. I forgot how long since I started scrubbing it. But now, time doesn't matter at all. Immediately, I sprang to my feet. I took a deep breath and braced myself for another journey.
I gave a glimpse on the insanely twisted past. I inhaled every memory, as if it is air filling my lungs. Joy became part of my system. Pain became my stronghold and my footstool, success became my aim, defeat -my reliever, and love, my unpredictable ultima..but neither I can really comprehend.
But as I walk, I noticed the extra baggage danggling on my waist. Still, there are things that should be left behind. Emotions made me quite unstable, or should I say, insane, every time that I forget to leash it. Thus, I resolve to strapping it with my intellect. You can win a battle if you have a balance of intellect and emotions. Never let one dominate the other. I left the unnecessary things to the One who created me.
Finally, I am ready to walk along an uncharted terrain. Light, clean slate, every little thing is starting to bloom from something new. No twists, no curves, no bends, just an open space.
I laid down the mirror, and immediately, it phased back to Coelho's book. Smile formed on my rigid lips as I recalled that person who inspired me to return to the orbit that was made for me, my little angel. For a while, I laid myself down waiting for the world to stop. Thanks for that gentle push, I can see better now. Hope to see you on the next chapter, little one.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Twisted
9:20 am...
Just a few days before Christmas.. yeah, the most celebrated event of the year draws near, faster on each passing day. I acknowledge that this coming Christmas is a lot different from my previous years. I've got to get myself adaptive for the new atmosphere. I think it's not that hard, I am quite flexible, if you know what I mean. Like a chameleon, I'm fond of adjusting to my environment in order to survive. More or less, I envision myself adjusting again. I'll find my own joy in my new world. That's a skill, or a talent, or maybe... a gift. I tend to bloom where I'm planted.
Adapting to the changes, making my own Christmas wishlist, clouding my mind with the things that I can do to make other people happy... these are the things that I'm looking forward my quite odd, different Christmas :)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wind Chronicles : light and shade
o> what??? you cannot leave me alone here...
v> why not?
o> because we coexist. it's a fact.
v> well fact that, i hate that fact.. i really needed space! is it really that hard to understand?
o> can move there, but not too far away.
v> that's not space!!
o> what do you need again?
v> forget it! *sigh*
o> i forgot to ask, what's your name again?
v> do i need to tell you?
o> of course!
v> okay.. i'll tell you next time. (damn! why can't i just leave this one!)
o> i heard that! you cannot leave me because i know you care for me.
v> are you sure of that?
o> i just know. by the way, i need a name.
v> i don't have, so don't ask me for one.
o> i see.. i'll get one for you.
These guys are quite annoying... they keep on bugging me. i hope i can dispatch them one of these days.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wind Chronicles
Still unable to move freely, I just closed my eyes. And momentarily, the scenes started to flash at the back of my head. Excerpts from the warfare about five eons ago started to roll, memories with the other guardian knights, and my inauguration as part of the knights of the round table was projected as if I am watching a full length movie. How nostalgic..
I have been ramming in numerous battles, countless times I got home victorious. But defeat is inevitable. I admit it. I once lost the battle with the sorceress of the highlands. I even lost in my duel with one of the knights of the round. Apparently, I managed to get home, still breathing, perhaps. Nostalgic..
Again I opened my eyes. Still, nobody was there. Only the wind. I smiled as it greeted me. Alone, I am not, I then realized. I stretched my hand to reach for my sword beside my bed. Ripping the freshly recovering wounds upon extending my arms, but I was able to withstand such pain. Almost there, I exerted even more effort to reach my goal. Finally, I was wielding the blade in my hand. I have decided. I will fight. I picked up my rusty armor and glided with the wind.
It blew me to my destination: an uncharted terrain..a path yet to be discovered. I secured my hand with the wind.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I'm free!
Just recently, I received an SMS from one of my friends..let’s just call her Ms. Anonymous. She was asking me regarding the time that I will be out of my office. Later, I found out that she was in need of someone to talk to. Immediately, I rose from my computer chair, picked up my fone and my wallet, and left my office (I was not able to turn off my computer since I was in a hurry). I walked as fast as I can to the nearest waiting shed to get a jeepney. Luckily, I was able to ride in no time.
On my way, I sent messages to her to confirm that I was almost there. Just as I stepped out of the vehicle, my eyes have already spotted the place where she was seating. From where I was standing, I was able to notice that she was shedding tears. Silently, I walked down to her, and sat by her side. I asked her what happened. Then she shared her story, her not so good experiences in her relationship with her boyfriend. At that moment, she was quite sure of her decision to give up on him, to set herself free from pain, for her to rise again. I agreed with her, I thought she had enough. I did not give any advice to her during that time. All I did was to listen to her, and affirmed her of the decisions that she chose. At that instance, I was really proud of her. I saw her courage, her faith that she can stand on her own, even without her boyfriend.
Ironically, after two days, I accidentally saw her with her boyfriend. I waved at them to acknowledge them. I gave her a smile. It seemed that she’s really stubborn when it comes to things like that. But I understand her, as she struggles for her stability. Well, tables have been turned, but I accepted that fact. There are really things I cannot insist with my friends. It was part of the free will that God has bestowed upon her. At the end, she will always have that choice to do what she wanted to do.
We must accept the truth that we cannot mess up with other’s free will. We need to respect them, just as God respected us. He accepted it, and chose not to control us. As much as God really wanted us to draw near Him, He still won’t force us to do so. He gave us the freedom to think and act on our own. He will not impose us to do His will. He loves us that much!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Bright morning sun, embraces God's creations with its mantle of light
Fine is the weather. Birds flying around. Wind rushing slight.
Clouds streaming across the skies.
Sailing across the seas. Calm as it may seem
Waves agitated by the emotional wind
Rocking the raft, tearing piece by piece.
Almost the end, I see. I yielded to the hand of the Almighty.
Resisted no more, but embraced it happily
My path was set, though blank, I walked through it.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Dark side in us
But some people just can't be mad at all, though they have experienced humiliation and violation, or some kind of abuse, may it be verbal, physical or emotional. Instead, they just choose to be still and let go of that ordeal. For some reason, they just have this extra string of patience to understand the felon. As if there is no room for revenge within their hearts. They choose not to stoop down at that level, maintaining their dignity as a pacifistic person. For some, they claim love as the main reason. Their love for others, especially on the ones close to them incarcerates them from being furious. Because they do care. As simple as that. They just do treasure their memories, to a point that retaliation is considered unnecessary. Regardless of the amount of love that they receive in return.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
love and related matters
1. Acceptance.
Each person in this bond is required to understand and accept the weaknesses of his or her partner. Admitting that the partner is weak in some aspects, may it be in terms of physical features, or talent, or may be when it comes to intelligence. Accepting it as it is, and not covering or concealing it with luscious affirmation. Acceptance does not only goes one way, you should also accept yourself as you are. Admit it, you too are human, an imperfect creation of God. That's a reality, nothing that God has created is perfect. Appreciate your own weaknesses, and learn how to strive through it. At the end, you will learn to love yourself more, despite of the insecurities that you once had. By loving yourself more, you can love your partner even more.
2. Affirmation.
This is a key to overcome weaknesses. By affirming the things that you and your partner give, you will learn to appreciate each other more. Even if one of you failed to yield, affirming him or her will give guts for each one of you to exert more to make your relationship happier. Affirmation in action is needed. Not just through words, words are not enough. For words are like faith; without action, it is also dead. Of course words can give you comfort and sense of support, but it cannot save you from bigger troubles. But in reality, words are just mere concepts and theories pending to be applied. We can always be fooled by glamorous words, especially when we are in desperate situations, that we need instant support, since words are always faster than acting it. Quite easily said than done.
3. Quality time.
Definition of quality time depends on the perception of an individual. For me, sitting beside the one you love, even without any words, is a quality time. For some, quality time is going to the park, sharing experiences with one another, going out on a date, having some coffee together, eating lunch together, walking around together. That may also be defined as quality time. There are other perceptions of this concept. But all boils down on one thing: spending a moment with your beloved is really healthy. It boosts support, presence, appreciation and of course, love.
4. Basic communication.
How often do you talk? When was the last time you heard the voice of your partner? When did you last quarrel? These moments matter in a relationship. For in these events, your hearts converse with one another. Your hearts speak with each other, a two way communication that enhances your bond. When one speaks, you can see through the way your partner says every single word the feelings he or she has behind it. Behind the spoken words, real emotions are exposed through the intonation of each word. And without this, you will just end up trying to interpolate the current mood of your partner. You can understand your partner more and more with each conversation that you have with each other.
5. Understanding.
Understanding your partner, how he or she thinks or reacts is important. By allowing yourself to see even the smallest detail, it can yield to loving your partner at a deeper level. Not just on the level of words, but on the level of hearing and listening. As you enhance this, soon you can arrive at a point where words, may it be written or spoken, are not necessary to understand one another. This is at a level where hearts commune with each other.
6. Contenment
Fidelity is a common issue in a relationship. One becomes unfaithful when you start to look for something that you cannot find in your partner. But this missing thing or trait is just a small percentage of what your partner currently possess. If you just learn how to appreciate the greater factor, you will not be looking for that missing part. Always thank the Creator for making your partner that way. Of course there will always be someone who looks better than your partner, or better than you, that's a fact. But if you are happy with what God has given you, you will always find joy in it. You'll be surprised that this missing percentage will be negligble, contented on the gift that God has given you through your partner. Thank God for making us imperfect, for in our imperfections, God can express His love.
Love while you can, it's a gift that God has bestowed upon us. AMDG!
Monday, October 26, 2009
end of days
Our relationship was stable back then. For almost 4 years of being in that relationship, we had good times and bad times. There were several trials along the way, but we did overcome those. We thought that we were stable enough to withstand any blow. However, the time came when we needed to part ways. During the latter part of my days being in a relationship, there was an outburst of emotions. Hurts, pains and exhaustion filled every corner in our relationship.. No more room for love. As if love has gone its own way and left us empty cells, rooms where other emotions can dwell.. Sad, but that was fate, a fate that we should accept.
Here's the song:
Walang tigil ang gulo sa aking pag-iisip
Mula ng tayo'y nagpasyang maghiwalay
Nagpaalam pagkat di' tayo bagay
Nakapagtataka, ooh-wooh
Kung bakit ganito ang aking kapalaran
Di ba ilang ulit ka ng nagpaalam
Bawat paalam, ay puno ng iyakan
Nakapagtataka, nakapagtataka
Hindi ka ba napapagod
O di kaya'y nagsasawa
Sa ating mga tampuhang,
Walang hanggang katapusan
Napahid na'ng mga luha
Damdamin at puso'y tigang
Wala ng maibubuga
Wala na akong maramdaman
Walang tigil ang ulan at nasaan ka araw?
Napa'no na'ng pag-ibig sa isa't-isa?
Wala na bang nananatiling pag-asa ?
Nakapagtataka, saan na napunta?
Hindi ka ba napapagod
O di kaya'y nagsasawa
Sa ating mga tampuhang,
Walang hanggang katapusan
Napahid na'ng mga luha
Damdamin at puso'y tigang
Wala ng maibubuga
Wala na akong maramdaman
Napahid na'ng mga luha
Damdamin at puso'y tigang
Wala ng maibubuga
Wala na akong maramdaman
Kung tunay tayong nagmamahalan
Ba't di tayo magkasunduan
For various reasons... a part of me is still asking God why did He allow this to happen, as part of His plan for me, for us.. Yes, I surrendered to His mighty will. But there is this human side of me that wonders, still. Well, I am human... Gladly, God is constantly helping me recover and stand up back on my feet. :-)
good life
* my Family
* SF's
* my very own superfriend
* 4F
* bestfriend/s
* ex-gf
* my lambs
A life worth living for, decorated with these blessings. Though I do not see them all the time, I do appreciate each moment that I get to be with them. Of course, the Giver of these gifts made this possible, thank You, my God. =)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
On Rejuvenation
Life is good, when you're in your comfort zone. But when God strips these things that make you feel secured, life becomes staggered. Things start to fall apart. Your wall starts to break. Fear and sadness start to boil inside your heart. Despite these scenario, God is not indifferent. He knew that you have your own limit. And He will not test you beyond it. Surely He will strip away from you things that make you feel strong, to expose the real you. Painful, yes it is.
But God cares for you. As He prunes you, He prepares something bigger for you. He will rejuvenate you with more grace and life blessings, much better from what were stripped away. I found these rejuvenating blessings after God has trimmed me. Pain was replaced with joy overflowing in my heart, with love tunneling through the friends that God gave me. More, I appreciated this grace from God, His love I feel through them.
Friday, October 23, 2009
finding certainty in the uncertain world
But even in this state, there is still one thing that defies this reality. It is God. He is certain. He is constant. Even if everything fails, God's love will never cease. You can find joy and peace in this uncertain world if you seek His face in every little thing. Surrender to His perfect will, and everything will follow. His plans are great. Let Him drive you to His path, a path to certainty, a path where you can experience His love.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A Knight's Battlecry
Alas! I am currently at this point in my life
where I am technically drained, exhausted and lifeless.
With all of the situations I am facing (whether I chose it or not),
the flame of love within me is constantly dying.
I saw the need of igniting it again,
that I may learn to share, to love and to live again.
All of my defenses, I started to tear down.
Little by little, I dismantled the steel shards that cover my heart,
exposing it again to feeling emotions, feeling weak in love,
feeling how is it to love and to be loved. I chose it,
because I wanted to be human.
And thus I tried to revive that flame within me, but apparently,
it is leading me to another path,
a path that I never thought of choosing.
Now I am in a battle, a warfare where I combat hand-to-hand with myself.
My reason against my emotions.
And as this war continues within me,
it seems that I find myself dying,
taking even the very last breath that I have..almost.
Still, I am trying to fight, struggling for survival,
that I may do what I should do.
But this concept of being trapped between choosing the right side:
emotion over reason, or the other way around.
I am tired of holding on to my sword.
Tired of choosing.
Tired of thinking.
I wave farewell, though forever, it doesn't mean.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
When an almost perfect relationship becomes imperfect...
1. Do not deny... unless you're innocent
2. If you're a giver, do not give much
I am fond of giving a hand to my friends, tokens, letters, hugs and ifts to my special friends perhaps. But what I've learned from my previous relationship was, I should have limit myself from giving too much for these people around me. The absence of this limit somehow erases the boundary that separates my girlfriend from my other friends. This diminishes the thing that makes her more special in some aspect. But since this is totally against my principle of existence, I did not limit it. But maybe if I could have tried an alternative here. I should have affirmed her in some other ways. Give more to her, more than I give to others. But that was the part where I failed. My bad.. All because I thought my partner would understand me, that's who I am.
3. Change is good... but to a certain healthy dosage only
For a time, I really wanted my partner to have a good life. I always wanted to make the situations better for her. Even if it takes for me to give up my own preferences. I just want to do it, out of love. Well, there's nothing wrong with it, I believe. But coming to a realization, I was totally losing myself. As I adapt to the changing situations, I tend to somehow lose my own identity. Thus, leading me to this struggle of seeking who I am. If you want to adapt to the demands of the situations, always set a limit. Every change has a certain healthy bound. Love yourself too.
4. Do not over-pamper your partner
Self-explainable, I suppose. An excessive amount of anything is bad at times. Believe me, demands will be greater through time, and if you cannot yield to all of these demands, you will find yourself in a misery, or end up like me.
5. Do not leave your friends behind
This is a fail-safe mechanism that will save you from all the troubles. If all else fails with your partner, you will always have friends to turn to, company who could give you a helping hand. As for my case, I am still lucky enough to have someone to talk to during my struggles. Thank God for sending angels.
6. If you feel tired, do not hesitate to speak it're not Superman
I always wanted to be a shoulder to lean on for my partner. I listen patiently to all her stories, burdens, and other stuff. But I never thought I would reach my own limit, I almost forgot, I am human. But since I wanted to be a hero to her, I chose to go on and let myself carry these things for my partner. Upon reaching the my elastic limit (engineering term :D), I suddenly felt the exhaustion, and was able to turn my back to my partner, unintentional though... During that moment, I turned her down, giving her that feeling of abandonment. If only I were able to say my feelings during that time. But it's over. I have done it already. Just be ready to face the consequences.
7. Do not forget about God
Your partner is just a gift, lent by God. We do not know how long the two of you would be together. Only God knows. Cherish each moment with your partner. But Do not forget the Giver of that gift. Have some moments to cherish with God. Thank God for allowing your paths to cross. All are part of His mighty plan.
My situation now is the aftermath of it, after failing to do the "not to do's", except for the last number. ;-) Until now, I always seek God to thank Him for all these things that had happened in my life. My past was not a regret, actually. Happy, I am. Still happy, thanking God for all the blessings and for still keeping me alive, and for allowing me to experience this growth booster.
Humor Epidemia 1.0
In some way, I had my own struggle to become like the ones in the elite group.. but I lost the fight, so there I was, I belong to the other side of the world, sadly. I did not apply for it, but the elite ones are the one driving me and my likes to be in that group. If they do not think that you can belong to their group, then automatically, you are enrolled to the losers. Honestly, I do not like this caste system in our batch. But that's how reality bites me.
I was able to survive however, found some good fellows, and had fun too, just like those in the elite group. But still, we cannot change the reality that our group is way below. The elites always pick on us whenever it is possible. For almost three years, the same scenario was painted.
Within our group (which is technically not a group...), I managed to have my own group, somewhat like a "barkada". We're three in the group, the other two were nerds, I was not...(alright, I am a bit nerd, but only when I am inspired). Aside from that, we had another common thing, we are all capable of tickling bones through our senseless jokes. I consider that as a gift from God, making people in my caste laugh, making other people laugh (these include those in the elite group). Through our talents, we were able to somewhat penetrate their group. We were able to hang out with them during breaks, but still detaching from their vices. We hate vices.
In my remaining years in high school, we were able to somehow break the barrier that separates the two sides of the world. The Mr. and Ms. Popular are now sitting side by side with Mr. and Ms. Nerdy. Playing board games. Solving name hunt puzzles (my version, hahah!). Humiliating their selves at times, at least picking on others is reduced, I think. Almost everyone is infected by our disease, senseless corny joker disease. But it was fun. At least popularity became a lesser issue. As for the popular people, I think we had triggered the humor-filled spirit in them. Some were able to tolerate our jokes, others were not... but since they were not able to make us stop, I guess they just decided to join us. :D Laughtrip!
I never dreamed of wanting to be in the elite group. Never did I asked God to change me to become "in" to their group. I never asked for fame, for any mysterious talent to make me popular. But God has his own way of using us, through His grace. All thanks to God for bestowing upon us that gift of humor.. we are not worthy. God be praised! ;)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Blessings in Disguise
After that turning point in my life, I then realize the importance of other things. I realized that I have a family. I have good friends. I have best friend. I have God. You see? I'm not really alone. Because they are with me. I cannot imagine how things would turn out if I do not have them with me. I think I can still survive though, but I know, it would be a lot harder. God has given me blessings in disguise. ;)
I thank God for my family, for supporting me in ways they can, for being my stronghold, a home I can always return to.
I thank God for my friends, for listening to me, for giving me advises, for enjoining me to their hangouts, for being my next family, my ministry.
I thank God for my four friends, for caring for me, for the joy and for the company. I really appreciate it, and I am just glad that I have you with me.
I thank God for my bestfriends, for making me laugh most of the time, for keeping me up every time I stumble, for giving me the inspiration to go on, for being my cage, most especially, for staying with me despite all the troubles that I am facing. I am blessed to have you.
I thank my God, for constantly reminding me of His love, for being my strength and my fortress, for giving me another life, a new adventure to start with. His plans are beyond my grasp, His thoughts are above my thoughts. He is my life driver, stirring me to the path that He wanted me to be. Cheers to my Lord!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
"Thank God, He has already mastered the art of recycling"

If you feel that your life is a piece of scrap, be grateful and rejoice. God will use you for something good. Believe me. He's a genius! ;-)
ME NO ROBOT.. ME HUMAN.. 10101110101
..........Uploading data.....
These are your directives:
You should do this.
You should act like this.
You should be like this.
You should behave like this.
Because this is the proper way according to us.
This is the world, you should live by it.
Please our eyes and you won’t get condemned.
Data encrypted...
Welcome to the real life.
Introducing… the norms of this world.
At times, good things are not really good for them. In the same way, bad things are sometimes, not that bad for them. Often times, or should I say, most of the time, we should adapt to the demands of this world so that when they scrutinize us, our hand shall be free from stains. Do the things that they think are right and pleasing. Sometimes, even the most innocent thing that we do becomes controversial.
Living by its standards is not bad. But the downside of it is we tend to sacrifice our own happiness. Unfair isn’t it? Yes, that’s life. We should live with it, or leave it. This is the sad part of it. But we can always choose to be happy. To live a life uncontrolled by the standards of this world. To soar freely and enjoy every breath. We can. As long as we’re doing things right, though not perfectly according to eyes of men, but accustomed to what God wanted us to be.